The US economy can be compared to a very productive farm with very fertile soil in the middle of a large sunny field that was cut out of a forest. There was much work put into clearing the forest to provide direct sunlight for the garden to grow. The Garden has been very productive for hundreds of years. During that time the hard working farmers concentrated on working the hot sunny fields of the productive garden and allowed the trees on the perimeter of the field to grow bigger and taller. The farmers liked the trees and sought comfort in their protective shade at the end of the hot sweaty days of working the sunny garden. The farmers looked forward to the day when they could cut the growing trees down for their lumber to build new homes for their growing families.
Direct Sunlight = Freedom. Farmers = American citizens. Fertilizers = Subsidies Food = Jobs Garden = US Economy Shade = Regulations and Big Gov programs. The trees = Big Gov & taxes As the trees got taller and taller they used up more and more of the direct sunlight needed to grow the vegetables and grains while providing more and more shade to the garden. The increasingly shaded garden, while less productive, was much more comfortable to work in. Over the years the trees steadily grew and the garden got fewer and fewer hours of direct sunlight while getting more and more hours of protective shade. Instead of getting 15 hours of direct sunlight per day, the garden was now getting 14, then 12, then 10 hours of direct sunlight. Because of the steady decrease in direct sunlight hours and the increase in shade, the garden became less and less productive but much more comfortable to work in. Some farmers clearly saw what the problem was and said it was time to harvest the lumber in the trees to get more direct sunlight on the garden. They wanted to use the lumber to heat their houses and build more homes for their growing families. However, some progressive farmers embraced the trees and refuse to cut them down. So the tree huggers solution was to work the garden harder and harder with more fertilizers and more advanced farming technology. Since this worked at first, it became accepted as being effective. But the trees kept getting taller and taller and the garden was now getting only 8 hours of direct sunlight per day, 7 hours of shade and 9 hours of darkness. Advanced farming methods with genetically engineered grains and vegetables were very helpful but even the most advanced farming methods will fail without direct sunlight on the garden. The garden is not keeping up with the demand for food. Some farmers are getting hungry. The solution to the problem was obvious and was being vigorously discussed among the farmers. The number of tree huggers and shade lovers were now equal to or greater in numbers than the farmers advocating for more direct sunlight for the garden. Times were getting desperate. The trees were using up most of the direct sunlight and the garden was faltering in the shade. The farmers were getting hungrier. Even the tree huggers realized that they couldn't eat the trees. Sentiment was now shifting towards cutting down the trees but the trees had gotten so big that the task was now monumental. Some hard core tree huggers started living in the huge trees to prevent the farmers from cutting them down. The lesson of this fable is that there is no substitute for freedom. Whenever and wherever it's been tried, any society that has traded freedom in exchange for cradle to the grave security, with Big Gov in charge, has ended up with neither. It's called communism and it has failed where ever it's been tried. I believe that in this election cycle, we are at this crossroad outlined in this fable. Most of us know instinctively what needs to be done but the comfort of the Big Gov programs are difficult to let go of. The voters of NH have a choice here today to vote for a bunch of Johnys Come Lately to the song of fiscal discipline who may or may not be sincere in there promises to cut taxes, cutting spending and root out the corruption in Washington DC. Or you can vote for me, the only candidate in this primary, Republican or Democrat, with a proven track record of successfully fighting for the taxpayers since 2004. I'm the only candidate with the actual success of thwarting the theft of billions, yes, that is billions of dollars of education funding money, stolen in a sophisticated bid rigging scheme exposed by me and my affiliate taxpayer watchdog groups across the country. A bid rigging scheme that is thriving here in NH by stealing tens of millions of education funding dollars from the state of NH education monopoly every year. My website lists the endorsement of two of these taxpayer watchdog groups with many more to come. In this election we will be choosing whether to allow the Big Gov programs to shade us from the hot sun or allow the hot sun to come in to burn us a little while we return to reaping a bountiful harvest? Most on the left believe that more Big Gov security is the road to prosperity with less work. I could not disagree more. This great country and it's economy was built on unfettered freedom, and only more, not less freedom will cure it's ills. The freedoms that we enjoy today in the United States of America are fragile and unique to the history of this planet. The proof of the fragility of this freedom is written in our history with blood. Americans have repeatedly fought and paid for this priceless freedom with the blood of our founding fathers in the Revolutionary War, our great grandfathers in the Civil War, our grandfathers in the 1st and 2nd World Wars, our fathers in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and today, by our brave brothers and sisters fighting and dying to preserve these freedoms in Iraq and Afghanistan. Freedom is not free. It has never been free and it never will be free. Freedom is a God given right that Americans have continually fought to preserve and protect against those who see freedom as an obstacle to an oppressive command and control society. While today, our brave brothers and sisters are fighting to plant the seed of freedom in the Iraqi and Afghanistan peoples so that freedom may grow and spread in the Middle East, our own government is trampling the US Constitution and taking our freedoms away at a pace that hasn't been seen since the early 1900s during the Progressive Wilson era. Our economy is suffering directly because of it. Big Gov is sapping most of our resources from the most productive segments of our society and redistributing them to the least productive with the predictable results. Our present day politicians now in control seem baffled with the results. I am not. When you reward hard work, frugality and productivity you get more of it. When you subsidize unemployment, irresponsibility, deficit spending and slothfulness, that is what you going to get. Today, in this great country or ours we are at a crossroad. If we vote to allow the direct sunlight of freedom to shine on us again, there is no limit to what this great country can produce. It is freedom and only unfettered freedom in combination with free market capitalism and low taxation that led to the prosperity and greatness that built this great country into what it is today, and nothing but a return to those freedoms will bring it back to it's original greatness.